
Temi Adebola 23rd September 2017

Beatrice my love, it's exactly 3 months today that you and God agreed it was time for you to come home. I cannot help but think of you every second, minute, hour and day since you passed on to eternal glory. Your memories are immeasurable as you were my best friend and soul mate. My precious wife, my companion, my beauty, my minister, my encourager, my queen, my fan, my cheerleader but most of all my SPECIAL GIFT FROM GOD. Our loving children and I sadly remember your ever smiling face today as we mark 3 months of your transition. However, our feelings of loss and sadness was shortlived when we remember that God called you into everlasting peace and eternal salvation and you are now free from pains. Even if we ever doubt that you are resting now Beatrice my love, God's revelations to us recently in diverse ways confirmed that you are indeed in the bosom of the Almighty God. I love you my sweetheart and will always do. Our wonderful children and I lovingly and incredibly missed you. Continue to rest in perfect peace.